
Une entreprise de construction allemande (basée à proximité de Kiel) recherche un sous-traitant en chauffage, ventilation, plomberie et électricité
Catégorie :
Mots clés :
Allemagne, sous-traitant, chauffage, ventilation, plomberie, électricité
Description du projet :
A German construction company based in northern Germany offers services relating to building technology such as heating, air conditioning, ventilation, refrigeration and electrical installation. The company operates several branches in Germany and is well established on the market. Due to many upcoming new construction projects, the company is urgently looking for subcontractors in the areas of heating, ventilation, plumbing and electrical. These new construction projects are located in Germany and have a duration of around six months to a whole year. The company would like to get in touch with experienced and reliable companies in the above mentioned areas, especially heating, ventilation and plumbing. For each of the upcoming projects, the company will provide the necessary building materials, but the future subcontractor must bring his own tools. It is essential for cooperation that the prospective subcontractor is based in the EU and can offer German-speaking site management. The subcontracting partner has to have own personnel, as further subcontracting of services to own subcontractors is not permitted. The company already has experience in international cooperation and is looking to work with a suitable partner under a subcontractor agreement.
Partenaires recherchés :
The requested partner should be seated in the EU and be experienced, reliable and competent. The partner's task will be to carry out specific subcontracting work in the areas of heating, ventilation and/or sanitation. The subcontracting partner has to have own personnel, as further subcontracting of services to own subcontractors is not permitted. Besides that the subcontractor must have a German-speaking person for site management, as the measurements and documentation must be carried out in German.
Nature du partenariat :
Technique et commercial
Modalités et contacts :
Cette opportunités de partenariat est issue du réseau Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), dont la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Grand Est fait partie. EEN est créé et co-financé par la Commission européenne afin d'accompagner les PME à l'innovation et à l'internationalisation. Pour tout complément d'information et demande de mise en relation avec l'entreprise ayant publié cette annonce, contacter Caroline KOLB T. 03 88 76 42 37 - M. 06 84 42 53 52 -
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