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Build & Connect 2022

The latest IPCC report is a warning call. Greenhouse gas emissions must peak within the next 3 years if we are to meet the crucial target of keeping global warming below 1.5°C. 

The building sector must spearhead the change. Those in the sector must take immediate action to transform the way they do business and overhaul their products and services. 

The 5th Build & Connect conference will showcase the different routes available to meet the climate target and give a platform to those who are already taking action and driving transformation.

3 years to take action : 2 days to think about the plan, in which to give impetus, lay the groundwork for action, establish partnerships... and ramp up the pace. 




👉 Find out more about the colloquium 2022


Registration to the BtoB meeting is closed.

from Tuesday 22 November
to Wednesday 23 November 2022
17:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 23rd September
Place de Bordeaux
67000 Strasbourg

Registration closed


Place de Bordeaux
67000 Strasbourg

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from Tuesday 22 November
to Wednesday 23 November 2022
17:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 23rd September
Place de Bordeaux
67000 Strasbourg

Registration closed
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