The program
November 22nd 2022
8.30-9.00 am - Welcome coffee in the exhibition hall
9h00-9h40 - Welcome & Introduction speeches
9.40-10.30 am - Opening keynote - Mario Cucinella - International architect
10.50 am-0.20 pm
Round Table
On a European scale, greenhouse gas emissions from the extraction of materials, the manufacture of construction products, and the construction and renovation of buildings are estimated to account for 5-12% of total national GHG emissions. Buildings themselves are responsible for 36% of GHG emissions.
The sector's players therefore have a responsibility to act to transform buildings and make them the spearhead of decarbonization.
This opening round table aims to take stock of the role of buildings in the fight against climate change and to outline the main priorities for action. It will address the main levers and will try to specify the orders of magnitude and performance between them.
The question of financing will also be addressed. What investments are necessary, how to mobilize and where to direct public and private investors.
It will talk about temporality: which actions must be undertaken quickly, which ones require a particular planning effort in order to produce their effects in the longer term. Issues related to training and the evolution of professions will be part of the discussions.
In addition to the presentation of the general panorama, testimonies of committed players who have a well-established strategy and who are already working to decarbonize their activities will be presented.
- Albane Gaspard: Sector coordinator - Building and real estate foresight at ADEME
- Fabrice Bonnifet : Sustainable Development Director - Bouygues Group
- Claire Ventrejou - Transition, climate and innovation Manager - Crédit Agricole Immobilier
Chairperson : Hugo Christy: Journalist and President of Demain Matin
0,20-1.20 pm - Lunch
1.20-2.50 pm
Plenary Session
Round Table
12 decision-makers, 12 sectors, 12 minutes
Our guests will respond to questions from journalist Hugo Christy and set out what decarbonisation means for their respective businesses and sectors.
What strategies have they put in place to transform their operations, products and services? What stage are they at in the implementation process?
What are the main barriers and what drivers can they leverage?
- Anne Wintenberger : President - Groupe Vivialys
- Jean-Marc Vogel - Managing director Western Europe- Ledvance
- Christian Pimpie : Director of Performance & Solutions sustainable concrete - EQIOM
Chairperson : Hugo Christy : journalist and president of Demain Matin
Room 1
Commissioning can be seen as a holistic process of quality assurance aimed at ensuring that building performance complies with contractual documents.
This conference presents different case studies in which a commissioning method was implemented to lower the energy bill.
- Bâtiment Intencity / Xpole - David Corgier : Dirigeant - Manaslu - CMDL
- Hicham Lahmidi - Director & AEE VP for Western Europe - Elithis Solution
Digital technology is presenting new opportunities for services that add value for occupants, operators and owners.The Ready 2 Services (R2S) certification is awarded to building IT systems with the capability to deliver these new services.
In this session you will hear from the people behind 3 iconic projects.
- David Désablence : Director of Business / Communication / CSR Policy - VINCI Energies
- Christian Rozier : President - Urban Practice
- Pascal Maire : Real Estate Director - Crédit Agricole Alsace-Vosges
Chairperson : Alain Kergoat : Director of Programs - Smart Buildings Alliance
Room 2
As a major consumer of natural resources and a major producer of waste, the building industry must move towards greater sobriety and enter into more circular processes.
The materials resulting from deconstruction are called upon to have a second life and this, in an approach of revalorization. Either within the framework of a re-use in a new construction or renovation site, or within the framework of a re-integration in a manufacturing process of new materials for the building.
This round table intends to explore the different facets, the obstacles and the opportunities of this new paradigm which is still in its infancy.
- Cécilia Darçot - Project Manager - Re-employment Booster
- Laurent Fehr - Development and Marketing Director - Fehr Group
- Thibaut Jacquet - Director - Retrival
- Geoffrey Houbart - Sustainability & public affairs director - Knauf Belgique
Chairperson: Mickaël de Chalendar - Director of regional actions - Saint Gobain Solution France
3.10-4.00 pm
Plenary Session
The significant disruption since the start of this decade foreshadows the major challenges we face around health and biodiversity. We must overcome these challenges within the next fifty years if our urban civilisation is to survive and continue to sustain life.
More than ever, learning to take care of the home we share has become a matter of urgency. We must get used to sharing our living spaces with other forms of life once more. This means considering new approaches to urban planning.
We are at a crossroads. Functional towns and cities centred around infrastructure and the extraction and consumption of resources and energy must give way to biophilic urban spaces based on relationships and connection. These circular urban economies must be centred on production and geared towards recycling resources and land to support our shared spaces. In a nutshell, we need greater resilience.
The natural world has much to teach us about resilience.
- Sonia Lavadhino: Urban anthropologist and geographer, founder of Bfluid, lecturer
With the introduction of Frédéric Musselin - Director of Business Development and New Construction Systems - Vivialys Group
Room 1
Report by the Fibres-Energivie’s working group on "Envelope Quality".
The remit of this group is to raise awareness of the vital part the building envelope has to play in promoting user health and comfort and in meeting carbon objectives.
- Philippe Boussemart : Chairman and CEO - Sto France
- David Corgier : General Manager - Manaslu
- Raphaël Kieffer : General Manager - Shoeck France
Chairman : Yann Dervyn : Sustainable building advisor- Dervyn Conseil
4.10 - 5.10 pm
Plenary Session
Two visions, two roadmaps for the creation of high-quality, accessible buildings with a reduced impact on energy resources and the environment.
Founding President of engineering firm Elithis Thierry Bièvre and architect Dietmar Eberlé have a number of striking and iconic projects under their belts based on seemingly opposing concepts.
In this debate, chaired by a representative of the developer Vivialys, they will set out their respective propositions. But are their approaches really that different?
- Thierry Bièvre : Chairman and CEO - Elithis
- Dietmar Eberlé : Manager - Baumschlager Eberle Lustenau GmbH
Chairperson : Cédric Simonin : General Manager - Trianon residence - Vivialys group
Room 1
This session presents two case studies of innovative solutions used in urban heat networks.
- Use of industrial energy waste to supply buildings with low-carbon heat - Arnaud Boyer : Director of Development and Prospective - R-CUE
- Use of large surface solar collectors for heating networks - Adrien Letullier - Viessmann
Room 2
Building materials are a key consideration in any life cycle assessment.
In this session, a range of speakers will shine a spotlight on locally sourced, bio-sourced and recycled materials.
- Intervention on hemp concrete - Guillaume Delannoy - Assistant Manager Industrial Development and Research - CODEM
- Cradle to Cradle®: How to implement circular economy - Christelle Englebert - Consultant- architect - EPEA Germany
5.20 -6.20 pm
Plenary Session
12 decision-makers, 12 sectors, 12 minutes.
Interviewed by journalist Hugo Christy, they will explain the main challenges of decarbonization for their company and their industry.
What are their strategies to transform their activities and their offers? Where are they in the implementation process?
What are the main obstacles and what levers do they have?
- Pierre-Etienne Bindschedler: Chairman and CEO - Soprema
- Christine Muscat: Managing Director - Knauf France
- Lucas Weiss: General Manager - Voltec Solar
- Stéphane Marcinak : Président - Sauter Regulation France
Chairperson : Hugo Christy: Manager - Demain Matin
Room 2
Public actors have an exemplary role to play in deploying the digitalization of buildings.
This sequence will present three feedbacks from local authorities that have implemented BIM processes.
- Steven Corgneau - Responsible for existing buildings - Conseil Départemental des Vosges
- Fabrice Rodenburger - BIM, Asset Management and Energy Efficiency - Conseil Régional Grand Est
6.30-7.45 pm
Plenary Session
Alongside technological innovation and energy efficiency, sobriety is an important weapon in our arsenal if we are to drastically reduce our environmental impact.
It is key to achieving our targets but public awareness, information services and support are essential.
This round table will explore sobriety from a range of angles related to buildings and their specific uses. It will propose a definition of sobriety, intended as a rallying cry to policymakers and a call for greater personal responsibility.
Participants will explore how sobriety relates to and complements other policy drivers as well as its social and public acceptability.
- Hélène Chartier : Director of urban planning and design - C40cities
- Colin Lemee : Doctor in environmental psychology - AUXILIA
- Francois Liermann : Architect - President of the regional order of architects Grand Est
- Jean Christophe Visier : Prospective adviser - CSTB
Chairperson: Hugo Christy : journalist, Director - Demain Matin
Room 1
The production in workshop or in factory of elements ready to be assembled on the building site is an asset for the ecological transition.
Reducing material resources and shortening construction time are advantages in favor of low-carbon development.
Off-site construction is still rare, but it also has advantages for renovation.
But how to accelerate its development? How to remove the obstacles?
- André De Chefdebien : Innovation and Strategic Marketing Director - Rector Lesage
- Bertrand Burger : Président - Burger & Cie
- Jean-Sébastien Lauffer : Technical Director - Techniwood
- Frederic Musselin : Business Development and new constructive processes Manager - Groupe Vivialys
8.00 pm - Partners'dinner
November 23rd, 2022
8.30-9.00 am - Welcome coffee in the exhibition hall
09.00-10.15 am
Plenary Session
The European Commission estimates that more than 220 million buildings built before 2001 are in need of renovation. This represents 85% of the building stock in EU member states. The "Renovation Wave" strategy published in October 2020 aims to renovate 35 million residential and non-residential buildings by 2030.
In France, the national low-carbon strategy sets a target of 700,000 homes per year to reach BBC level in the existing building stock by 2050. In France, as in Europe, special attention is paid to thermal flaws and to housing occupied by the poorest people.
It is clear that this is a radical change of scale that must take place within a short time. How can we organize ourselves to make these changes possible?
What measures and infrastructures do the Regions, States and Europe plan to put in place? How will manufacturers and construction companies evolve to respond to such a market?
Off-site renovation is often contrasted with the massification of more traditional high-performance renovation, yet both are paths to be taken.
- Yamina Saheb: Lead Author - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC
- Rodolphe Deborre: Director of Innovation and Ecological Renaissance - Rabot Dutilleuil
- Meka Brunel: Vice President - Palladio Foundation
- Jocelyn Gac: Director of Research and Development - Compagnons du devoir
Chairperson : Guy Keckhut
Room 1
67% of greenhouse gas emissions are produced in cities. Whether they are rebuilt on existing buildings or new ones, neighborhoods must aim for low-carbon development.
Lifestyles, mobility, buildings, energy supply, vegetation are all components to be rethought in these new districts.
This sequence will present case studies and methods to design the city of tomorrow.
- Development of the Citadelle district in Strasbourg - Thalie Marx: Project manager for the building and housing sector - Eurometropole de Strasbourg
- Feedback on the design of low carbon districts with Urban Print software - Morgane Colombert: R&D project manager - Smart and sustainable city - Efficacity
- Low carbon districts - Nicole Valentini Fedrizzi- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB)
Room 2
This sequence proposes various feedbacks on exemplary buildings in terms of resilience and respect of the environment.
- Project example, the UMAR unit in the research building NEST : Alexandra MRZIGOD - Werner Sobek
- Epinal's Eco'City : Short circuits and Biosourced for the city of tomorrow : François Duchaine - President - Les Constructeur du bois
- Hemp concrete high school - Armand Dubois - Business manager - Eiffage
10.35-11.15 am
Plenary Session
12 decision-makers, 12 sectors, 12 minutes.
Interviewed by journalist Hugo Christy, they will explain the main challenges of decarbonization for their company and their industry.
What are their strategies to transform their activities and their offers? Where are they in the implementation process?
What are the main obstacles and what levers do they have?
- Fréderic Didier : General Manager - Wienenberger France
- Valérie David: Sustainable Development Director - Eiffage
- Andréas Wade: Head of Sustainable Development - Viessmann
Chairperson : Hugo Christy : Journalist and Manager - Demain Matin
Room 1
Many neighborhoods are very homogeneous in terms of buildings.
Therefore, the renovation of buildings, an individual act, can be facilitated and optimized by a more collective reflection and the implementation of a method on the scale of the district.
- The Energy-efficient Renovation Path for Houses (PREP) - Feedback from Ile de France - Xavier Lemoine: Mayor of Montfermeil
- Implementation of an energy renovation methodology for homogeneous neighborhoods - Jean-Luc Buchou : General Delegate - Cercle Promodul / INEF 4
11.20 am -00.05
Plenary Session
- Urbain recycling - Vincent Aurez : Director of Innovation, Sustainable Development and Communication - Novaxia
- Adding levels - Florence Bannier : Head of partnership and innovation - Upfactor
Chairperson : Guillaume Sever - national referent on construction - BPI France
Room 1
The use of the BIM process during the execution phases is still in its infancy. However, deploying BIM on the building site is an extension of the approach initiated in the design phase and opens the way to the use of the model during the life of the building.
Anticipating site problems, reducing errors and risks, site BIM has many benefits.
This sequence will present an ambitious experiment conducted by the Compagnons du devoir. It will reveal the lessons learned and the benefits.
- Nicolas Henry - National Energy Manager / B.I.M Referent - Les Compagnons du Devoir
Room 2
- Maxime Doya - Project manager, building envelope thermal expert - TIPEE
- Rémi Perrin - Research and Development Director - SOPREMA
- Philippe Sigwalt - Architect - Philippe Sigwalt Architecture
Plenary Session
Valérie David : Directrice développement durable - Eiffage
Sigrid Brell-Cokcan : Co-Director Center Construction Robotics - RWTH Aachen University
Room 1
The tertiary sector decree requires the reduction of energy consumption in the tertiary sector in France. Financial aid schemes exist (CEE, subsidies from local authorities, tax credits, Ademe, etc.). This workshop explores additional ways of financing to make projects a reality.
- Sandrine Pozo: Regional Director - Tertiary-Industrial Market IDF North East - Greenflex
- Johann Mertz - Energy advisor - Terres de Lorraine
Room 2
- Sylvaine Corbin : Lead partner FR - Coordinator ASSIST BAT - CAUE 74
- Virgile Curtit : FFB Grand Est
0.55-1.55 pm - Lunch
1.55-2.50 pm - Dialogue between Benoit Bazin, General Manager of Saint Gobain Solution & Christian de Perthuis, Climate economist
3.10-4.20 pm
Plenary Session
There are many tensions in the energy system. The current geopolitical situation is combined with more structural changes: the need to decarbonize, the ageing of the nuclear fleet, and the difficulties of increasing supplies of fossil fuels.
However, this gloomy context offers opportunities to accelerate the ecological transition and renew our energy mix. Buildings, once the last link in the chain, are becoming central to the management of our energy system. It must play an essential role as an energy stabilizer through its supply, management, production and storage. It is becoming the central player in a network that is in the process of decarbonization.
More than the building itself, it is at the scale of the neighborhood and in the links between buildings that this balancing role must be played.
- Delphine Desgurse : Innovation Director - Iko.
- Marc Helfter : R&D Director - Hager Group
- Nicolas Poinsot : Business Developper - Socomec
- Hervé List : Director of Public Affairs Grand-Est - Réseau de transport électricité (RTE)
- Etienne Wurtz : Research Director - CEA
Chairperson : Guy Keckhut
Room 1
If it is natural to think that real estate projects are imagined according to the needs of their future users, one can wonder about the place that these future occupants and stakeholders really occupy in decision-making.
The final customers are not the interlocutors of the builders, their needs are expressed by spokesmen (project owners, project managers) and the multiplicity of intermediaries distances the perception of the real final needs. As a result, the needs expressed in the specifications are not necessarily those of the final users of the building who may have different expectations from those recommended by the technicians.
By including the user in the consultation process, the user becomes one of the main actors in the realization of an optimal design or in the maintenance and sustainability of the buildings. A virtuous communication with users and customers allows to answer their needs and expectations, to think about the improvement of solutions, to optimize flexible spaces for different uses and to ensure the good use of these spaces.
This round table will bring together participants to discuss the creation of value linked to the integration of users, their lifestyles and the evolution of uses in the different phases, from design to operation of buildings.
- Nicolas Bourgeois : Urban Social Development Manager - Plurial Novilia
- Lidia Zerrouki : General Delegate - Smart Buildings Alliance
- Marion Jestin : Design leader - One point
- Olivier Kinder : General Manager of Boulle Promotion and President of the French Federation of Real Estate Developers
- François Pitti : Group VP Strategic Marketing and Foresight - Bouygues Construction
Animation : Claire Cauchetier : brand and development manager - Elithis Group
Room 2
If professions have always evolved, current regulations and technological advances are transforming the ways of building, renovating and managing buildings at a rapid pace
What impact does this revolution have on the professions and the skills required to perform them? How can current players be trained ? Can this evolution contribute to increasing the attractiveness of the sector ?
- Stéphane Marcinak : Président - Sauter Régulation France
- Christophe Luttmann : Commercial Director - Drill Heat
- Jocelyn Gac : R&D Director - Les compagnons du devoir
- Nicolas Getner : Engineer in the wood sector - Schilliger Bois
- Adrien Rossi : Director - Rilsa SA
- Gwenaelle Verrier : Architect - Positivarchi
- Franck Lenuellec : Marketing , Development and Strategic innovation Direcror - CCCA-BTP
4.30-5.10 pm - Closing Keynote - Navi RADJU (FR - IND - USA) - Build & live better with less
5.15-5.50 pm - Grand Est Transformation Awards Ceremony
6.00 - 7.30 pm - Networking cocktail