Events calendar

LIFE, European funding program - INFODAY France
Organised by "Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie"
The LIFE program is a European Commission financial instrument entirely dedicated to supporting projects in the fields of environment, climate and energy.
We invite you to save the date ofApril 19, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for the national LIFE information session
information session organized by the French MinistryofEcological Transition and Territorial Cohesion and the French Ministry of Energy Transition.
This event will be held by videoconference.
It is the essential information day for all French players interested in the "LIFE" European funding program, and in particular in the mission to provide assistance and support in setting up and writing projects.
You can consult the webinar program by clicking here: Webinar program
To take part, simply click on the link below: Webinar link
For more information on the LIFE call for projects, please visit:
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