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Dutch construction firm looks for solutions to reduce the use of drinking water in the construction process

14 septembre 2022 Recherche de partenaires
Vue 185 fois

Mots clés : 
eau potable, construction, réduction consommation  

Description du projet : 
Large amounts of water is needed within the construction process, but the client company questions whether this should be expensive drinking water or whether a 'lower' quality will suffice. The Dutch construction firm has been founded more than a 100 years ago, specializing itself in the construction of high quality housing projects, commercial real estate and industrial buildings. Due to its impact on the region by means of their projects, the firm wants to focus on making the construction process more sustainable. One of the aspects that the firm would like to increase sustainability in, is the use of drinking water in various aspects of the construction process. Extensive amounts of water are needed during the construction process, which is usually expensive and valuable high quality drinking water. The question can be raised whether this should be valuable drinking water or whether a 'lower' quality water will suffice for these construction processes. Examples in which drinking water is used currently are masonry mortar, cement, rinsing equipment and cement trucks, sprinkling newly built facades, etc. In addition, the availability of water is not always self-evident, and this increasingly seems to depend on extremes (or shortage or surplus) as a result of climate change: - Moments of sufficient water supply seem promising for the challenge; - At the moment there is little insight into drinking water consumption in our construction processes and the possibilities of converting this to other forms of water supply.   

Partenaires recherchés : 
Parties involved in a comparable challenge, whether or not in other sectors or (work) environments (for example, management of company sites); - Water supplier(s); - Parties from infrastructure and road construction; - Parties from the process industry; - Parties with practical applications and/or the development of these applications. We also want to get in touch with parties that are already involved in water management by nature in order to explore the possibilities of a more integrated approach to this issue.  

Nature du partenariat : 
Technique et commercial  

Modalités et contacts : 
IMPORTANT NOTE: This technology request is part of an innovation challenge and is published on an open innovation platform from the 29th of August and will close on the 3rd of October. If an organization does express interest in collaboration with this company before closing date, it will be guided through this open innovation platform and be introduced to the company’s experts. Mind that posts on this platform are not confidential. Next step is that the company will select the SMEs with whom they would like to cooperate in the development of the solution. Cette opportunité de partenariat est issue de la Partnering Opportunity Database (POD) accessible sur le lien ci-après : Référence TRNL20220812003 Cette base de données d'annonces gratuites et anonymes a été créée par la Commission européenne pour les entreprises et son réseau Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), dont la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Grand Est fait partie. Cette source de contacts s’appuie sur un réseau de 600 organisations membres du réseau EEN et localisées dans 67 pays. EEN est créé et co-financé par la Commission européenne afin d'accompagner les PME à l'innovation et à l'internationalisation. L'annonce est sujette à modification. Pour tout complément d'information et demande de mise en relation avec l'entreprise ayant publié cette annonce, contacter Caroline KOLB T. 03 88 76 42 37 - M. 06 84 42 53 52 -   


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