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Italian company involved in the field of energy efficiency, offers its distribution and commercial services to a potential supplier/manufacturer

18 août 2022 Recherche de partenaires
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Mots clés : 
efficacité énergétique, distribution, intermédiaire commercial, Italie, onduleur, produits photovoltaïques et solaires thermiques, VMC  

Description du projet : 
The Italian agency was created to connect the companies represented with their target market, creating B2B or B2C relationships. High quality products, technological innovation and respect for the environment are the values that unite the companies the agency represents. Thanks to the companies in the agency portfolio, a design customized solutions on specific needs is guaranteed. The aim of the agency is to offer business solutions to Italian and foreign markets, in order to add innovative energy saving products with the utmost respect for the environment and guarantee the social and economic growth. The company represents manufacturing companies which generally make photovoltaic products, inverter, fixing structures for photovoltaic products and solar thermal, VMC (controlled mechanical ventilation) and solar thermal producers. The most represented brand, for which the agency has exclusive rights for Italy and Malta is a company dedicated exclusively to the investigation and development of solar systems for its export. Placed among the first and most modern in Europe. The company produces solar systems with the latest in robotic technology, welding laser, etc. These new production lines are prepared to work 24 hours a day and 365 days a year with a rate of production able to give response to current and future.  

Partenaires recherchés : 
The agency looks for new supplier interested in selling their products in Italy through an expert representative agency, with whom it can be created a fiduciary relationship based on exchange of information and updated on right sales strategies.  

Nature du partenariat : 
Regarding the commercial agreement the agency offers a consultancy service about the choice of the correct sales channels and the winning marketing strategies: this mediation will be adopted on the basis of the product and the position price that the partner intends to reach on the Italian market. In addition, the agency will have an active role to play by offering more knowledge about the new products: it will organize a presentation of the products and several training activities to inform and involve customers. Regarding the distribution service agreement, the agency offers not only the business promotion and the products sale but is also capable to offer to customers a constant after sale service. In this way the company is relieved from these duties but it can continue to track the assistance and protect its own brand,  

Modalités et contacts : 
Cette opportunité de partenariat est issue de la Partnering Opportunity Database (POD) accessible sur le lien ci-après : Cette base de données d'annonces gratuites et anonymes a été créée par la Commission européenne pour les entreprises et son réseau Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), dont la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Grand Est fait partie. Cette source de contacts s’appuie sur un réseau de 600 organisations membres du réseau EEN et localisées dans 67 pays. EEN est créé et co-financé par la Commission européenne afin d'accompagner les PME à l'innovation et à l'internationalisation. L'annonce est sujette à modification. Pour tout complément d'information et demande de mise en relation avec l'entreprise ayant publié cette annonce, référence BRIT20220804017, contacter Caroline KOLB T. 03 88 76 42 37 - M. 06 84 42 53 52 -   


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