Events calendar

Webinar to present the second transnational call for projects of the European co-funded partnership "Driving Urban Transitions" (DUT)
Organised by "Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie"
We would like to announce that a webinar specifically for France to present the European co-funded partnership "Driving Urban Transitions" (DUT) and more specifically the launch of its second transnational call for projects,
will be held on September 19, 2023, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
As a reminder, this new European partnership complements the objectives and mechanism of Mission Ville, which is also linked to the European Horizon Europe framework. It brings together 41 European and international funding agencies from 27 countries, who have joined forces to launch a transnational call for projects to fund research and innovation projects between European countries on themes related to sustainable urban development. It is structured around three main themes: the quarter-hour city (15minC), positive energy districts (PED) and the circular economy (CUE).
The seminar will focus more specifically on ANR and ADEME funding arrangements on the French side, and on thecall for projects. projects, as well as feedback from a project selected in a previous call.
Call opening: September 1, 2023
First stage closing date: November 21, 2023
Second stage closing date: April 30, 2024
Transnational seminars will also be organized throughout the OTC partnership, including dedicated match-making sessions for potential applicants.
Agenda of the event
1:45pm-2:00pm: Online welcome for participants
2:00 pm-2:15 pm: Opening by the Ministries of Higher Education and Research and of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, and presentation of the DUT co-funded partnership.
2:15pm-2:35pm: Articulations and synergies between national and European programs of the French National Research Agency and ADEME
2:35pm-2:50pm: Presentation of the results of the 2022 call for proposals
2:50pm-3:05pm: The mobility pillar of the 15-minute city
3:05pm-3:20pm: The circular economy pillar (CUE)
15h20-15h35: The positive energy districts pillar (PED)
15h35-15h50: Question and answer session
15h50-16h05: BREAK
4:05pm-4:30pm: Participation procedures: eligibility, funding, application and selection processes
4:30 - 4:45 pm: Testimonials from successful applicants
4.45pm-4.55pm: Feedback on the assistance and support provided by the Mirror Group
4:55pm-5:00pm: Conclusion
Registration closes on September 18 at 5pm. The connection link is automatically sent to you by e-mail when you register.
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