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BIM or "Building information Modeling" is the set of processes by which all data relating to a building is created, enriched, maintained and used.

Although it is based on software solutions, it is more a question ofa new mode of collaboration between all players in the construction industry.

BIM concerns all phases in the life of a building: design, construction, operation and maintenance, right through to demolition.

While it represents an initial human and financial investment, it is also a source of productivity and savings for all players in the construction and real estate industries.

Digitizing the industry is also an ally for the ecological transition in construction and the achievement of ambitious targets in terms of energy consumption, zero-carbon by 2050, and recyclability of waste.

The group aims to:

- unite members of the Build & Connect community around this theme

- to build collective expertise and share best practices

- compile reference documents on the subject

The group is led by the Pôle Fibres Energivie team and its BIM experts.

Welcome to this group.


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49 results