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Carbon assessment: diagnosis and support for companies in Eastern France

18 December 2023 360°
Viewed 161 times

With the support of the Region and Bpifrance, the cluster is launching a plan to help companies in the sector reduce their carbon footprint.

Carbon footprint: take part in the Décarbon'action program!

As part of Grand Est Région Verte, the Grand Est region is supporting an action plan dedicated to the construction industry, led by the Build & Connect cluster.
The aim of this action plan is tosupport players in the construction industry in an environment of massification and acceleration of the various energy, environmental and digital transformations.

The aim of this plan is to develop the local construction economy, and to create the conditions for a " head start" in the Grand Est region.

  • - thanks to a proactive decarbonization strategy
  • - which will support a network of dynamic companies creating added value and jobs

With the support of the Region and Bpifrance, the cluster is launching a decarbonization support plan for companies in the sector.

This approach is based on Bpifrance's Décarbon'action diagnosis, the aim of which is to measure the company's GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions and implement the first actions.

The diagnosis and support are provided over a period of around 12 months. Thanks to the support of the Region, this diagnosis is financed up to 80% for SMEs and ETIs, representing a remaining outlay of around €2,000 for the company.

The aim of the program is to launch operations involving several companies in a given region, and to provide them with collective support.

These sessions will be based on the Décarbon'action tool operated in parallel in each of the participating companies.
The first class will be launched in February 2024.

The stakes for a company in drawing up a carbon footprint and action plan are as follows:

  • - Comply with or anticipate regulations
  • - CSR requirements of the company and its clients
  • - Stand out from the competition/strengthen competitiveness
  • - Anticipate rising costs/materials/energy/waste
  • - Attract/recruit talent
  • - Attract investors

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