Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

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    1. 17 October 2023 to 18 October 2023
      Info Day and European Brokerage Event dedicated to Cluster 5 Climate, Energy &...
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      The European Commission's Information/Info Day will present the research and innovation topics proposed for 2024 under Horizon Europe's Cluster 5 work program 2023-2024, focusing...

    2. 11 October 2023 to 12 October 2023
      Info Day and European Brokerage Event dedicated to Cluster 4 Industry, Digital &...
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      The aim of this event is to inform potential applicants about funding opportunities under the 2024 calls of the 2023-2024 work program of Horizon Europe's Cluster 4 "Digital,...

    3. 26 September 2023 to 28 September 2023
      Info Day and European Brokerage Event dedicated to Cluster 6 - Bioenvironment
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      The CARE4BIO project is organizing a major networking event around Cluster 6 themes on September 26, 2023 in Brussels, followed by two European Commission R&I Days on the 2024...

    4. 19 September 2023 at 14:00
      Webinar to present the second transnational call for projects of the European...
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      We would like to announce that a webinar specifically for France to present the European co-funded partnership "Driving Urban Transitions" (DUT) and more specifically the launch of...

    5. 15 September 2023 at 10:00
      Webinar on navigating the portal
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      The Legal & Financial NCP organizes a webinar dedicated to the use of the Funding & Tenders Portal. In order to guide Horizon Europe participants in the electronic management of...

    6. 01 June 2023 at 09:30
      Invitation - Exchange day | Circular and regenerative city | Thursday, June 1
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      INVITATION The circular and regenerative city Making better use of urban ecosystem resources: challenges and prospects Exchange day organized as part of France's participation in...

    7. 23 May 2023 at 14:00
      Webinar dedicated to Horizon Europe project management - NCP Legal and Financial
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      Horizon Europe's legal and financial NCP organizes a webinar dedicated to Horizon Europe project management. As a complement to the " Manage your project " section, the Legal and...

    8. 12 May 2023 at 10:00
      Financing disruptive innovation: how to successfully transfer technology through...
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      Are you looking to finance the technology transfer of a disruptive innovation? On May 12, 2023, at 10am, the EIC Pathfinder & Transition NCP is organizing a presentation of the...

    9. 27 April 2023 at 14:00
      Communities in Horizon Europe - webinar
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      The Bio-Environnement NCP is organizing a webinar specifically for local authorities (cities, regions, metropolises...) to help them understand how to position themselves on...

    10. 19 April 2023 at 09:30
      LIFE, European funding program - INFODAY France
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      The LIFE program is a European Commission financial instrument entirely dedicated to supporting projects in the fields of environment, climate and energy. We invite you to save the...

    11. 04 April 2023 at 14:00
      Webinar on European funding for decarbonizing industry
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      The Horizon Europe Industry NCP, in collaboration with the Innovation Fund NCP and the Horizon Europe Climate and Energy NCP, invites you to a webinar on European funding for the...

    12. 04 April 2023 at 14:00
      Webinar on European funding for decarbonizing industry
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      The Horizon Europe Industry NCP, in collaboration with the Innovation Fund NCP and the Horizon Europe Climate and Energy NCP, invites you to a webinar on European funding for the...

    13. 04 April 2023 at 10:00
      Webinar on blind evaluation in Horizon Europe
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      The Legal and Financial NCP organizes a webinar dedicated to the blind evaluation of Horizon Europe projects. The Legal and Financial NCP is organizing a webinar dedicated to the...

    14. 15 March 2023 at 09:00 to 16 March 2023 at 17:00
      Matchmaking event Horizon Europe
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      Cluster 5 : Climate, energy, mobilityPlayers in the energy, mobility and building sectors, If you're interested in applying for funding opportunities under the HORIZON EUROPE PROGRAMME and are looking for partners,...

    15. 08 March 2023 at 10:00
      Webinar on gender equality in Horizon Europe
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      The Legal and Financial NCP is organizing a webinar dedicated to the Gender Equality Plan in Horizon Europe projects. TheGender Equality Plan (GEP ) has become an eligibility...

    16. 28 February 2023 at 14:00
      Online event "Small projects, new opportunities", INTERREG North West Europe
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      TheInterreg North-West Europe program will be launching its first call for small-scale projects next month (opening February 23, 2023 - deadline July 12, 2023). An opportunity to...

    17. 24 February 2023 at 10:00
      Webinar Evaluation of projects under Horizon Europe : Analysis of ESR &...
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      The Industry NCP (of which our Project Manager, Marie-Christine Dssouli-Lagel, is a member) is hosting a webinar dedicated to the evaluation of projects under Horizon Europe, on...

    18. 09 February 2023 at 11:00
      EIC Accelerator Webinar
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      A webinar presenting the EIC Accelerator to program applicants and other players in the innovation ecosystem is scheduled for Thursday, February 9. The EIC Accelerator NCP team is...

    19. 09 February 2023 at 10:00
      Webinar: Lump-sum financing in Horizon Europe: how does it work? How to write a...
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      The Commission is offering a webinar to explain in more detail how a lump sum-funded project works, and how to prepare for a project funded in this way. On October 20, 2022, the...

    20. 02 February 2023 at 09:15
      Infoday EIC Accelerator Challenge : New European Bauhaus and Architecture,...
      Organised by Innovating with Europe @Fibres Energivie

      EISMEA is organizing a series of infodays to present the EIC Challenges for 2023! On the morning of February 2, 2023,the EIC Accelerator Challenge - New European Bauhaus and...